Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kyla and Andrew Sittin' in a Tree....

...Yes, it's official. Kyla has a Real Boyfriend. We met in person at the Woodbridge Center Mall last night.

Here is the happy couple:

....and here is the happy couple kissing:

...and here is Cade's reaction:

Kind of how I felt, overall. It's disconcerting. Kyla is 16, and is Dating a Boy. (He's 18, so I guess he isn't really a Boy.) Brings up all kinds of interesting new perspectives.

In other news, Friday was Crazy Hair Day at Cade's school. Here he is:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Adventure Aquarium

Spent Sunday, Cade's birthday, at the Camden Adventure Aquarium. They have some pretty neat stuff...not the least of which is the underwater view of the hippo tank...

And here it is, your moment of zen...(apologies to The Daily Show)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Birthdays, we gots birthdays...

My children chose to be born with only three days between them (plus eight years). Kyla's birthday is March 29, and she just turned 16. Cade's birthday is April 1 and he just turned eight. Here he is at his party yesterday (at the karate school he attends) with ice cream cake on his face; that is Gavin in the yellow shirt next to him.

We spent the day today, at Cade's request, at the Camden Aquarium (aka Adventure Aquarium). More about that next time.
